Sunday, May 19, 2024


The Final Frontier and Terraforming Mars

Many of you have probably heard that the director of the film The Martian was informed of the "discovery" of liquid ice on Mars. This...

Mystery Ruins of Mars and Tikal pyramids Pleiades stars

Many calling Tikal one of the most spiritually powerful spots on earth. The monumental site with its towering pyramids looms out of the thick...

Salt Deposits & Water Traces On Mars – Nasa Research Reveals

Is Mars, the Earth-like planet, habitable for humans? Is there any evidence of water? Astronomers are doing tremendous study to discover the answer. Researchers...

Mars: Large Spirals, Mysterious Network of Valleys

Weird Spirals on Mars surface Giant coils of lava on Mars suggest a mysterious network of valleys on the planet was born from volcanoes, researchers...

Landing on Mars Really Messes With Your Work Schedule

This photo is the first image of Mars taken by NASA’s InSight Mars lander after its successful landing on the plains of Elysium Planitia...

AstroGnostic: You’ll Be Godlike, Part Two

And on the pedestal these words appear:"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"Nothing beside remains: round the...

Beyond Synchronicity: Prophetic Dreaming

Dreaming and prophecy (or psi, if you prefer) used to walk hand in hand. Ancient religious texts- The Bible certainly among them- are filled...

TAKE ACTION ALERT! Tell the White House to Let NASA Explore Mars

Humanity’s exploration of Mars will be put on hold for the foreseeable future. We can’t let that happen! ACT NOW! ...